First Psychology Borders – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching
Therapy for men

First Psychology Borders offers a range of counselling services and therapy for men. Men often find it hard to seek help and, when they do, they engage with therapy in a different way than women. Our practitioners are experienced in working with men and helping men feel at ease in therapy.

Why do men seek help?

Men often experience the same issues as women (e.g. depression, anger, eating disorders, self-harm), but the way they deal with these issues can be very different than women. For instance, men may work excessively or indulge in risk-taking behaviours and unhelpful habits.

Does therapy differ for men?

Many men (although not all) come for therapy to deal with a specific problem or to reach a specific goal. In such instances, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a popular approach with men as it provides helpful techniques, which can be used to resolve problems and achieve goals.

When working with men, our practitioners will be sensitive to a number of issues, such as resistance to therapy due to socialisation. They will not push you to talk about your feelings nor make assumptions about your ability to know, or express, your feelings. They will help you acknowledge any uncomfortable feelings which underlie your problem, in an open and honest way.

How do I find out more about therapy for men or make an appointment to see someone?

If you would like to know more about therapy for men or wish to book an initial session with a counsellor, psychotherapist, psychologist or CBT therapist, either male or female, please contact us. We would be happy to hear from you.
